
Jonathan Avidan works on new specs for rss3 which already contains rss3-Lite. Full, RCDL and RRDL aren't available yet. The new rss3 shall replace 0.9x and 2.0. Because rss 1.0 is based on [create RDF] rss3 won't be compatible with 1.0. The already existing rss3-Lite specificaton is available at http://rss3.org/rss3lite.html.

At the moment I give sage a try which is a firefox-integrated RSS-Reader.I think it's very conventient to have an integrated reader in your trusted web browser.
  •   ppp 7040 days ago:

    ziemlich nice der sage. bei dieser gelegenheit fiel mir auf: dein rss feed hat den url rewrite noch nicht ganz mitgemacht ;-)

    genauso wie der redirect nachm comments posten !?

  •   earl 7039 days ago:


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